Meet Calvin

Calvin is a three year old who has had three open heart surgeries. His last surgery sent us all the way to California in May of 2018. During his month long recovery there Kerrington’s sent us encouraging letters and sweet mementos to help remind us we weren’t alone across the country. He had to return to California this year for a follow up and during that stay Kerrington’s sent us breakfast and dinner, again sending comfort to our family when we so missed being home. Having a support system like Kerrington’s Heart is something a lot of families miss out on. We are so thankful for this organization and the inclusion that we feel with this community. Our son wasn’t able to meet Santa until we were invited to the Cookies with Santa event that the organization throws yearly. Calvin loves Christmas, mostly the Grinch, and Christy and the organization took time out of their lives to make sure my son and so many other wonderful kiddos get the opportunity to meet Santa.

Chyenne ~ Calvin’s Mom

Meet Catie

Catie was prenatal diagnosed with a heart defect. When she was born, her defect was worse than expected and she needed a heart transplant. She got her new heart on 12/6/10, 13 days after being listed for transplant. She has had many complications and Kerrington’s Heart came into our lives in 2013 when she was hospitalized for an autoimmune disorder. She is currently inpatient and in renal failure and their support has lifted our family up. Christy and Kerrington’s Heart do an amazing job of fostering community for families affected by CHD. It is a hard journey and can be isolating and knowing you are not alone goes a long way. We’ve enjoyed the heart family events and support during hospitalizations such as meals, care packages, and surprises for Catie and her brother, Zakk. We can never thank them enough for remembering us and supporting us during the difficult seasons of being a heart family.